trovet dog food hypoallergenic intestinal can 400g

All TROVET hypoallergenic diets are based on a single (animal) protein source and a single carbohydrate source and contain all the essential nutrients in optimal amounts. The addition of a vitamin and mineral mix is not necessary. All of the TROVET hypoallergenic dietary food variants can be given for life. Prevents immunological reactions (food allergy) or non-immunological reactions (food intolerance) in the form of skin problems and\/or digestive problems (diarrhoea, vomiting). Changing to a hypoallergenic diet will help to slowly reduce itching. This reduces scratching, rubbing and biting, which can cause secondary skin lesions. Ingredients: Meat and animal derivatives (horse), cereals (rice), oils and fats (sunflower oil, olive oil). Easily digestible dietary food for cats with food hypersensitivity. Indications: Food allergy Food intolerance Kittens It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion is sought before use. The recommended duration of use for Hypoallergenic (Horse) is initially 3-8 weeks. When the hypersensitivity symptoms disappear, Hypoallergenic (Horse) can be fed for life as a complete dietary food.

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